Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For the Long Haul

"For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies. Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread. But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good." (2Thessalonians 3:11-13 NAS95S) 

Observation:  It is possible to appear busy, but really be quite worthless.  One can give the impression of disciplined life while in all reality being very dysfunctional.  The challenge in living a life of productivity, and a life of effectiveness is to be disciplined in the right ways.  To exercise, to eat right, to pray, to meditate, to edify others, and to pursue goals.  

Application:  Discipline is a struggle for me.  Often I wonder why.  I think part of it is that I am governed by a life rule that says, "Do what you want."  But how can I learn discipline if it's always about what I want.  That's not really discipline, it just slavery.  Because I have found that what I want is often the easy way.  What I want is to chill out, to get by, to do what's comfortable for the moment.  

Now I know there are many who live a false sort of discipline, who practice ritual and ruitine for the sake of getting ahead, getting more, or gaining recognition.  But I still think that discipline for what I want is something other than discipline.  You might call it stubborn determination, greed, or even lust with a focus.  But I don't think it's discipline.

To me discipline implies a relationship.  It is a disciple under the tutelage of his master.  Or, a student under the instruction of his teacher.  Ultimately, it is a child under the loving care and direction of His Father God.  This is the source of all true discipline.  A loving relationship with the creator of the universe.  Following the lead of the one who bled for us.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus teach me the discipline of daily surrender.  Teach me the discipline of seeking Your face.  The discipline of asking You to help me set goals that would bring glory to Your name.  Jesus some of my goals now are to write a book, record a cd, and grow a church community.  I think those are the three big goals I have in mind.  Jesus what are Your goals for my life?  How would You desire to use me?  What would You hope to do with my life.   

Jesus I surrender to You this morning.  I surrender for today and tomorrow.  I surrender for the short term and the long term.  Live in me Jesus.  Fill me.  Use me.  Glorify Your name through me.  Amen!

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