Monday, April 27, 2009

Herodical Leadership

"Although Herod wanted to put him to death, he feared the crowd, because they regarded John as a prophet. 

Although he was grieved, the king commanded it to be given because of his oaths, and because of his dinner guests." (Matthew 14:5, 9 NAS95S)

Observation: Leading by popular opinion is both grievous and capricious; both fickle and sorrowful.  In Herod's case, he wouldn't put John to death because he feared the crowd (Matthew 14:5), but it wasn't long before He put the prophet to death, "because of his dinner guests" (Matthew 14:9).  

And as a result of this inconsistent leadership, he found himself grieved.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the kind of grief that let to repentance.  He was sorry for his misjudgment, but not sorry enough to say he was wrong; not sorry enough to go back on his word.  Mistakenly, he thought it was better to honor his word than God's.  

Application:  For a long time I have known I was a people pleaser.  I want everyone to be happy.  I want people to like me.  When I look at people like Herod and Saul, I am scared.  Because I can see how easily I could go down their path.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus I surrender my leadership to You this morning.  Lord teach me to pray through my leadership decisions.  Teach me to say and do what I believe to be Your will.  Teach me to stand up to the people around me and not simply do what I think they will respond well to.  Lord Jesus build in me strength of character.  Build in me a commitment to do the right thing regardless of the outcome.  Please Jesus, I need Your power and grace.  Amen!

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