Thursday, June 4, 2009

More Than Words

"Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting." (Romans 16:17-18 NAS95S)

Observation:  When I was in academy there was a college student who used to come over and sit in the commons and engage students in conversations about God.  He even got involved in helping with one of my Bible classes.  Initially he seemed like a well intentioned guy.  

But sometimes I wonder if he and his group didn't caused dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching of Scripture.  I can remember sitting around their living room and discussing Scripture and Ellen White.  It always seemed as if they would create theological straw men and then knock them down.  

It would be said in the group that the larger church taught thus and such and that is why they were wrong.  This kind of thinking and teaching eventually wore me down.  It made me feel inferior.  It didn't really seem to be instructive as much as it was destructive; destructive in a subtle sort of a way.  Mmmm... I'm glad the Lord brought me through this experience.

Application:  I think a spirit of dissension was born in this group that at times I have found in myself.  It is the same spirit I felt when I was arguing with a peer over theology at Broadview Academy one summer when I was selling books in the Chicago area.  It is the same spirit of I hear of and sometimes witnessed within the church.  It is the spirit that my wife spoke of being present when she was in a small church in her early teaching years where a man would ask new visitors what they believed about the nature of Christ.  And if they didn't agree with his view?  Oh boy... watch out!

Mmmm... is this not the spirit that led to war in heaven?  Is it not the spirit that led to the fall of man?  Wrangling over words and casting confusion on the clear word of God has quite a history.  And I don't want to be a part of writing that history.  I want to lift up Jesus.  I want to point people to the cross.  I want to communicate that even if they don't understand exactly how it works, that the act of Christ living, dying, rising again, reigning on high, and coming in the clouds of glory is sufficient for our salvation.  Yes... He is an all sufficient Savior.  Whether we completely understand how it works doesn't matter...  What matters is, are we surrendered to the One who surrendered Himself to the will of the Father.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus forgive me the times when I have wrangled over words rather than repenting of my sin.  Forgive me for when my focus has been being right rather than being covered in Your righteousness.  Forgive me for when I have sought a better explanation rather than an inner transformation.  

Jesus teach me the simplicity of the gospel.  Teach me to interact with others not for the purpose of discussion alone, but for the purpose of discerning Your will and Your ways.  Let my relationships not be full of empty words and arguments, but let Your Holy Spirit be present in all my interactions with others.  With whoever I find myself in dialogue, may Your presence enter into that conversation and make it a conversional and transforming experience.  I don't just want to talk with my brothers, but I want to walk with them to the foot of the cross.

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