Friday, January 1, 2010

My Way Out

"He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." (Ephesians 1:23 NAS95S)

Observation: Christ is the head over all things "to the church" or "for the good of the church." But who is the church?

Church is from the Greek word Ekklesia, which means congregation or assembly. This word ekklesia is a conjunction of Greek work ex, meaning from or out of and the Greek word kaleo, meaning to call, summon, or invite. So the church is the assembly of called out ones; those who have accepted the invitation to move from death to life through the good news of Christ's life, death, resurrection, and reign on high.

We are a people of the exodus... We follow in the footsteps of Jesus... As He met on the mount of transfiguration with Moses and Elijah He spoke with them about His departure (see Luke 9:31). The word departure is translated from the Greek word exodus which is conjunction of the words ex meaning out, and odos meaning way. Jesus was speaking of the way out; the glorious way. The way of the cross. The way of the tomb. The way of resurrection. The way out was a way through. Our God takes us out of trouble by delivering us through trouble. He is the God who goes with us. He meets us in our hour of need. He meets us in the deepest darkness and most besetting sin. He meets us where we feel weakest. He is our exodus... our way out.

Both Moses and Elijah are representative of those who experience the way out... Moses of those who experience the way out of the grave and Elijah of those who experience the way out of gravity. It's interesting that grave and gravity appear to have the same root. Both hold us down. And, Jesus came to defy both grave and gravity. He is the risen one. He rose from the grave and rose into heaven with His disciples gazing upward. He is the one and only superman... And one day, through him, we shall take to flight... Immortal... Rising up to meet him in the clouds. O the glory of His great escape; the grandeur of the Exodus... Jesus, He is the way. The way out. The way up. The way that defies both grave and gravity.

Yes, the wonder of it all! For even before exiting death, He exited glory. He left heaven; departing from splendor of the stars that we might enter into assembly of the saints. Leaving His Father to come to earth; coming for His bride. Coming to court the called out ones. To win us over. To extend the offer of engagement... Yes the mystery of this plan is contained in the ancient marital injunction:

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24 NAS95S)

The command to leave and cleave is also a foreshadowing of salvation. Christ left heaven to cleave to us. He left his Father to come for His bride. And as Adam slept that a rib might be taken for the creation of His bride, Jesus experienced death that the water and blood might bring forth His glorious bride the church. Yes his exit meant our entrance; His exile our fellowship. He was cut off that we might be grafted in. He was severed from the fellowship of the Father that we might saved. Hallelujah.

Prayer: Lord Jesus what a privilege to be Your church; to be called out of apathy and into passion; out of despair and into delight; out of death and into life. O thank You for leaving heaven. Thank You for teaching us the power of the exodus. Thank You for being our Exodus; our way out. Lord deliver me today. Deliver me from sin and selfishness. Deliver me from doubt. Take me out of mistrust and teach me to trust in the all sufficient sacrifice of Your shed blood. Teach me to trust in You Jesus... My beloved. My way out!

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