Thursday, September 6, 2007


Zechariah 2:5 5 ‘For I… will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’ “

The Lord’s promise is to be our guard and our guide. He will surround us and He will indwell us. He will lead us out of bondage and into safety. We will dwell in the safety of His blaze, and He will illuminate the darkness of our hearts. Where there was once confusion their will be clarity. Where their was once fear their will be faith. Like the eagle taking to flight, like dear dancing in meadows green, like dolphins diving to depths of joy, our God will birth within us freedom, rejoicing, and wonder.

The Lord is saying to my heart that there is reason to rejoice. Reason to take heart and to celebrate. He is encouraging me to count my blessings… to have no regrets. He’s telling me I have a choice.

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